Live a BETTER WAY...
Mental Health (Counseling/Therapy) Services in Logan, UT
In-Person & Online Sessions Available
Emeline Orwig, LCSW

Emeline Orwig has been working with adolescents, families, and adults since 2016. She has experience in mentoring programs, in-home programs, outpatient mental health clinics, and residential treatment centers. Emeline is passionate about developing healthy and secure attachments with clients so they can in turn develop healthy and secure attachments with those who matter most to them. She enjoys helping clients explore how they can be empowered to get more of what they want in life.
In Utah, Emeline has worked closely with the public schools, courts, Division of Child & Family Services, and Citizens Against Physical and Sexual Abuse. Emeline specializes in depression, anxiety, relationship problems, trauma/PTSD, and temperament and identity disorders. Emeline is certified in EMDR, Brain spotting, 123 Magic Parenting, Motivational Interviewing, and Trauma Focused CBT. She also uses principles from DBT therapy, ACT therapy, functional analysis and other strengths based approaches.
Emeline enjoys her blended family of 1 husband, 4 children and 3 step children. She currently spends her time raising her child still at home, working, playing together with family on game night, playing music together or helping others, and supporting each other through finding hope and humor together as we go through life. Emeline also likes music therapy, and has enjoyed playing in several “bands,” over the years. She has discovered how healing music can be especially when making music with friends and family.